- It’s amazing what we’ll accept as normal and fine without understanding the freedom of its absence.
- Havtacha.
- We stay in. The rain isn’t actually bad enough to keep us home, but they’re having so much fun, and honestly, I can’t be buggered to wrestle the double stroller, try to have a grownup conversation over the toddler noise, and worry what I’ll do if someone pees.
- While I see the perks of having two, I’d want to bypass that whole pregnancy-newborn-infant-potty-training business to have another, and I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.
- Four hours later, I also see the downsides of having two. God bless y’all who are outnumbered.
- Her email makes me laugh out loud. Not sure it’ll pan out, but she seems like the right sort.
- Why would you lie about that?!
- On the mountains I will bow my life. In the valley I will lift my eyes.
- My inner twentysomething is watching me eat a bowl of dry fiber cereal while I create a LinkedIn profile and is just screaming in horror.
- Ah yes. Outdoor Weed Smoking Season has begun.
Of rainy day crazies, lifting my eyes, and the smell of summer.